Fukushima River and National Highway Office


Preparing for Volcanic Activity of Mt. Azuma


Emergency Disaster Mitigation Measures

The Sabo Program for Emergency Disaster Mitigation in Volcanic Eruption is a program that defines the emergency procedures in volcanic eruption, in order to mitigate the damage due to landslide disasters that are expected to occur, such as lava flow, volcanic mudflow, debris flow, etc. The emergency procedures consist of a variety of actions that involve the hardware equipment as well as the software resources prepared by the sabo department of the relevant Regional Development Bureau or the Prefectural government.

Among the currently active volcanoes in Japan whose activities would have a great social impact and whose hazard map have been already made, 29 volcanoes have been chosen for study in this program since 2007. Three volcanoes of Mt. Azuma, Mt. Adachi-taira, Mt. Bandai have been chosen from Fukushima Prefecture.

These three volcanoes in Fukushima Prefecture (Mt. Azuma, Mt. Adachi-taira, Mt. Bandai) have been under study by the “Fukushima Sabo Program Study Committee for Volcanic Eruption Emergency Disaster Mitigation” since 2010. The “Sabo Program for Mt. Azuma Volcanic Eruption Emergency Disaster Mitigation” has been launched in January 2013 especially for Mt. Azuma, following the four study meetings of “Mt. Azuma Workshops” set up within the same committee.